miércoles, octubre 18, 2006

El negro historial del general Oropeza Garnica...

Información enviada por MQ
Destapando a mi General Oropeza Garnica, el aparente designado por Jelipe Culeron como jefe de la SEDENA encontramos esta nota en ingles del 2002 que se traduce al cristiano...
Subject: News,Zamora skeptical of army crackdown on impunity,Nov 01Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 07:13:47 +0100
Zoltan Simon, The News Staff - 11/1/2002
While the ongoing court-martial of two generals is hailed as a historic step on cracking down on military impunity, Erika Zamora will need some convincing.
Mientras que la corte marcial a dos generales se considera como un paso historico en abatir el fuero militar, Erika Zamora no la convencen.
Zamora was an eyewitness to one of the bloodiest massacres allegedly perpetrated by the military in recent years.
Zamora fue testigo de una de las mas sangrientas masacres en los ultimos años por parte de militares.
In a detailed account of the events of Jun. 7, 1998 - when 11 indigenous activists were massacred in the township of El Charco, Guerrero – Zamora told The News the commander of the soldiers who participated in the atrocity was none other than Gen. Juan Alfredo Oropeza Garnica.
El 7 de junio de 1998 once activistas indigenas fueron asesinados en el pueblo de El Charco, Guerrero, segun declaro Zamora a The News. El comandante de los soldados que hicieron la matanza fue nada menos que el General Juan Alfredo Oropeza Garnica.
Gen. Oropeza Garnica, then the leader of the 27th Military Zone in Guerrero, is now one of the five officers on the Council of War who will decide if the two generals are guilty of drug-trafficking.
El General Oropeza Garnica, entonces encargado de la 27 zona militar de Guerrero, es ahora uno de los cinco oficiales que integran el consejo de guerra a dos generales acusados de traficar con drogas.
"Gen. Oropeza Garnica should be one of the defendants," Zamora said. "How can he be judging others when he has committed human rights violations?"
"El General Oropeza Garnica deberia estar en el banquillo de los acusados," declaro Zamora. "Como es que este de juez si ha cometido violaciones a los derechos humanos?"
The military maintains the victims were members of a leftist insurgency group, the Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR), and that they died in a confrontation with soldiers.
El ejercito mantiene que los muertos eran miembros del EPR y murieron en un enfrentamiento con los soldados.
Zamora and human rights groups deny this.
Zamora y los grupos de derechos humanos niegan esto.
"If we were part of an insurgency group, how come the soldiers had no reported injuries?" she asked.
"Si eramos parte de un grupo insurgente armado, como es posible que no les causamos ni un herido?" ella pregunta.
Chronicle of a massacre
Cronica de la masacre
On Jun. 7, 1998, Zamora, an aid worker, was asleep in the early morning hours with other indigenous activists in the schoolhouse of El Charco, a Mixtec township.

El 7 de junio de 1998, Zamora, una trabajadora social, esta dormida con otros activistas en la escuela de El Charco, una comunidad mixteca.

We woke up, she said, to shots being fired at the school and found it had been surrounded by military troops. The soldiers ordered the 33 activists inside to come out and told them they would not be harmed.

"No despertaron los tiros que le hacian a la escuela," explica Zamora. "Esta estaba rodeada por soldados y estos les dijeron a nuestros compañeros --eramos 33 en total-- que salieramos, que no nos iban a hacer nada."

"One of the activists decided to go out with his hands raised in the air," Zamora said. "The soldiers took him to a nearby basketball court and started firing at him. He was the first to die."

"Uno de los compañeros salio con las manos en lo alto. Los soldados lo llevaron a una cancha de basketball y ahi lo mataron. Fue el primero en ser asesinado."

Later, seven others who decided to go outside met the same fate. The soldiers lined them up on the court and shot them, she said.

"Otros siete que tambien salieron sufrieron la misma suerte. Los soldados los aliniaron en la cancha y ahi los asesinaron," describe Zamora.

Three others were killed. The remaining 22, including Zamora, were detained.

Otros tres mas murieron. El restante, 22, que incluian a Zamora, fueron detenidos.

"They took me to the local police station, some 20 meters from the schoolhouse," she said. "That's where I saw Gen. Oropeza Garnica. He insulted me, threatened me and wanted to know if I had any links to the EPR."

"Me llevaron a la delegacion de la policia que esta como a 20 metros de la escuela," dijo. "Ahi vi al general Oropeza Garnica. Me insulto y me amenazo y queria saber si tenia vinculos con el EPR."

After the interrogation, Zamora was transferred to the military barracks in Acapulco, where she claims she was tortured along with a companion.

Despues de su interrogatorio, Zamora fue transferida al cuartel de Acapulco donde se le torturo a ella y a uno de sus compañeros.

"They sat me down in a metal chair, handcuffed me, poured water on the floor and then connected an electric cable," she said. "I fainted, I don't remember the rest."

"Me sentaron en una mesa de metal, me esposaron, me echaron un cubo de agua y luego me aplicaron corriente electrica," acuso. "Me desmaye y no supe que paso despues."

Military justice?Justicia Militar?Zamora eventually was tried, convicted of weapons possession - a charge she denies - and sentenced to three years and six months in prison. The military later charged her with conspiracy against the state, and she was sentenced to an additional five years in jail.

Zamora fue juzgada y sentenciada de poseer armas, cargos que niega, y sentenciada a tres años y seis meses de prision. Los militares tambien la acusaron de conspirar contra el estado y le aplicaron cinco años mas de carcel.

Zamora was released in May 2002 after the court determined there was insufficient evidence against her.

Zamora fue liberada en mayo del 2002 despues de que la corte determino que los cargos contra ella no procedian por falta de evidencia.

Today, despite the historic trial of the two generals, Zamora is skeptical the army is truly reforming its ways.

Hoy, despues del historico consejo de guerra a dos generales, Zamora todavia no cree que el ejercito va a cambiar su modo de actuar.

"This cannot be called justice," she said. "The military just wants to make it look like they are cleaning up their act."

"Esto no es justicia," dijo. "Los militares nada mas estan tratando de hacer como si en realidad fueran a dejar de hacer asesinatos."
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